The Real News, The Real story No Political Fiction,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Legislator Scavo's accuser Robert Allen 3 time convicted felon sent to NYS prison.

Robert Allen 3 time convicted felon and Legislator Brian Scavo's primary accuser was sent to Albany county jail , arrested for Elder Abuse , broke his parole and an order of protection was sent to Albany County jail and reprimanded to NYS prison.
Patrick Mason according to a 2009 Albany police report had stolen furniture and accessories from Scavo's apartment bldg in 2009 larceny charge.

Legislator Scavo has 3 witnesses including a commissioner of deeds, notary public.
This legal action filed in 2009 why the two year wait, answer, they have no real case and it has no fact or merit.
This just another politically motivated false legal action against Legislator Scavo.
Legislator Scavo will be vindicated.
Hon. Brian Scavo was exonerated from this false legal action in fact after two FBI reports showing that there was no crime and that patrick mason had mislead the court with a false instrument the district attourney asked the judge to dismiss this case and it was, Hon. Brian Scavo  who was the lead investigator in this case and truly was vindicated and exonerated .


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