The Real News, The Real story No Political Fiction,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jodee Blanco SCHOOL BULLYING seminar Brian Scavo

Press Release                      
Legislator: BRIAN SCAVO                      
Democrat 7th District
Phone: 518-465-8915                       

Jodee Blanco , Survivor and activist is one of the county’s pre-eminent voices on school bullying. Will be a hold a Free seminar on school bullying at the Bethlehem central high school at 7pm on October 21/2010.
She is the author of the New York times best seller “ please stop laughing at me” on woman’s inspirational story, a chronicle as her years as a student outcast , the book inspired a movement inside the nations schools and is referred to many as the “anti bullying bible “.

Legislator Brian Scavo said”
Jodee Blanco has intervened in numerous bullying related attempted  suicides and acts of student retaliation is a respected crisis management consultant and expert witness in the area’s of school violence.  Brian Scavo   sponsor of local law F”cyber bullying ban in Albany county” which is currently pending action before the Albany county legislature.
Lawmaker Scavo also said ‘All are invited to this free seminar on school bullying”.When:7 to 9pm ,Oct,21  Where: Bethlehem Central high school

The sponsors of Local Law F are Majority leader Frank Commisso Chairman Dan Mc Coy deputy majority leader Shawn Morse, ,
Bullock Clay, Clenanhan, Cotrofeld,Dawson,Gordon,Horsstmyer,Infante, Maffia-tobler, Mayo,Nichols,Rahm and Ward HTTP:/BRIANSCAVO.COM         HTTP://BRIANSCAVO7.BLOGSPOT.COM

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